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How to Resize an Image and Get Size in Python (PIL)

Python Tutorials


  • In this tutorial we will look at the PIL methods that can be used to resize an image.
  • We will also check out another method that can be used to get the size (resolution) of an image.

Let’s first open an image so we can resize it.

from PIL import Image

file = "C://Users/ABC/Boat.jpg"
img =
Opening image with PIL open method

.resize() method

After opening an image you can use the .resize() method on it to create a new image with a new size.

  • Don’t forget to pass the new size in tuples: img.resize((x, y))

Example 1: Proportionate Resizing

After opening an image you can use the .resize() method on it to create a new image with a new size.

  • Don’t forget to pass the new size in tuples: img.resize((x, y))
  • Also. don’t forget that you will have to assign the new image with new size to a new variable or you can also reassign it to the same variable and overwrite it.
img = img.resize((448,299))

Example 2: Resizing with New Proportion

So, what happen if new size being passed to resize method is not proportionate to the original size?

In this case PIL will simply stretch the image to make it fit the new size. Let’s see an example.

  • In this case we will pass (700,300) as the new size.
img = img.resize((700,300))
Our boat is starting to look more like a submarine at this point.

.size method

You can also get the size of an image using the .size property in PIL.

You don’t need to use parenthesis and you can simply print an image’s size as: print(img.size)

Example 3: How to get an image’s size

Let’s demonstrate getting the size of an image with an example:

from PIL import Image

file = "C://Users/ABC/Boat.jpg"
img =

(640, 427)

Example 4: How to resize an image as a percentage using size property

from PIL import Image

file = "C://Users/ABC/Boat.jpg"
img =

img = img.resize((int(img.size[0]*0.2),int(img.size[1]*0.2)))
Our boat is starting to look more like a submarine at this point.


In this Python Tutorial, we’ve seen how to resize an image and different scenarios regarding the new size.

We have also seen hot to get the size of an image and we saw an example regarding how to make use of this information.

You can really see the power of PIL library in image processing as well as basic image editing tasks through these operations.