Python Type Conversion Exercises

Let’s check out some exercises that will help you really understand the type() function and type conversions in Python.

Exercise 4-a

Using type() function assign the type of the variable to answer_1, then print it.

type() function shows the type of a variable.

You can directly type the type() function inside the print() function or another elegant way of doing this is assigning another variable (such as answer_1) to the type of the first variable and printing that variable inside the print() function.

answer_1 = type(men_stepped_on_the_moon)

Exercise 4-b

Using type() function assign the type of the variable to answer_2, then print it.

type() function shows the type of a variable.

You can directly type the type() function inside the print() function or another elegant way of doing this is assigning another variable (such as answer_2) to the type of the first variable and printing that variable inside the print() function.

answer_2 = type(my_reason_for_coding)

Now let’s see some more exercises about converting data types.

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Finance & Data Science Professional,
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