Open Charge Map

Open Charge Map is an open source and free data solution which provides charging station data for electric vehicles. They have a great API showing the POI addresses of charge stations that can be used to locate these stations.

Here is a simply code that uses requests, json libraries:

Electric car charging station information (Providence and Boston area.)

Here is a simply code that uses requests, json libraries:

import requests
import json

params = {"latitude": 40.79, "longitude": -73, "countrycode": "US", 
"output": "json", "compact": True, "verbose": False, "maxresults": 20}
f = r''
data = requests.get(f, params = params)
a = data.text
a = json.loads(a)

for i in a:
        print(i["AddressInfo"]["StateOrProvince"], "\n")
    except Exception:

Here is an example of the data that’s returned from Open Charge Map API:

Phone: 631-473-1550
Access: Dealership business hours
Title: Ramp Ford
Address: 4869 Nesconset Hwy
Port Jefferson Station 11776 NY

Phone: 888-758-4389
Access: 24 hours daily
Title: K&H STATION 1
Address: 66 Southern Blvd
Nesconset 11767 NY

Phone: 888-758-4389
Access: 24 hours daily
Address: 599 Jericho Turnpike
Smithtown 11787 NY

Phone: (631) 361-9696
Phone: 516-686-1007
Phone: 866-816-7584
Access: 24 hours daily
Title: Stony Brook University
Address: 100 Nicolls Rd
Stony Brook 11794 NY

 Phone: 888-758-4389

Access: 24 hours daily
Address: 5700 Sunrise Hwy
Sayville 11782 NY

Phone: 888-758-4389
Access: 24 hours daily
Title: SCCC
Address: 580-586 College Rd
Farmingville 11738 NY

Phone: 888-758-4389
Access: 24 hours daily
Address: 575 Middle Country Rd
Selden 11784 NY

Phone: 631-750-9454
Access: 9am-5pm M-F
Title: SUNation Solar Systems
Address: 171 Remington Blvd
Ronkonkoma 11779 NY

Here are  more parameters you can use while making a call to Open Charge Map API.

outputjson, xml, csv JSON format is recommended as highest fidelityjson
maxresultslimit on max number of results returned100
countrycodeGB, US etc. Single ISO Country Code.(blank)
countryidexact match on a given numeric country id (comma separated list)(blank)
latitudelatitude reference for distance calculation(blank)
longitudelongitude reference for distance calculation(blank)
distancereturn results based on specified distance from specified latitude/longitude(blank)
distanceunitMiles or KMMiles
operatoridexact match on a given EVSE operator id (comma separated list)(blank)
connectiontypeidexact match on a given connection type id (comma separated list)(blank)
levelidexact match on a given charging level (1-3) id (comma separated list)(blank)
minpowerkwminimum output power in kW (this information is not known for many locations)(blank)
usagetypeidexact match on a given usage type id (comma separated list)(blank)
statustypeidexact match on a given status type id (comma separated list)(blank)
dataprovideridexact match on a given data provider id id (comma separated list). Use opendata=true for only OCM provided (“Open”) data.(blank)
modifiedsincePOIs modified since the given date (UTC) e.g. 2016-09-15T09:30(blank)
opendatatrue or false. Set to true to include only Open Data licensed content, false to return only non-open licensed data. By default all available data is returned. You should refer to the license of the original data provider in each case.(blank)
includecommentstrue or false. Set to true to also include user comments and media items (photos) per charging location.false
verbosetrue or false. Set to false to get a smaller result set with null items removed.true
compacttrue or false. Set to true to remove reference data objects from output (just returns IDs for common reference data such as DataProvider etc).false
camelcasetrue or false. Set to true to get a property names in camelCase format.false
callbackspecify the name of the JSONP callback (if required), JSON response type only.(blank)
chargepointidexact match on a given POI id (comma separated list).(blank)

Additionally from v3 of the API onwards you can query using a bounding box, polygon or polyline (for a route etc).

boundingboxspecify top left and bottom right box corners as: (lat,lng),(lat2,lng2)(blank)
polygonSpecify an encoded polyline for the polygon shape. Polygon will be automatically closed from the last point to the first point.(blank)
polylineencoded polyline, use with distance param to increase search distance along line. Polyline is expanded into a polygon to cover the search distance.(blank)

Open Charge Map is a free, public database that grows with volunteer efforts contributions of the community.

If you’d like to contribute to this project you can do so by contacting them here.

or check out their funding page here.

Source of API: Open Charge Map

If you need a refresher on user defined functions lesson in Python here is a link to our Defining Functions Lesson.

You can see our lesson about try and except statements here.

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