Coding Motivation

How to learn Python during Coronavirus pandemic and Why Python?

In this article we will try to argue why learning Python makes so much sense during Covid19 pandemic, how to…

4 years ago

How to make money with Python

Spread Out US Dollar and Euro Bills Holy Python is reader-supported. When you buy through links on our site, we…

4 years ago

Women’s Coding Organizations

Did you know women make great coders and scientists? Although it should be obvious, sometimes we need a reminder about…

4 years ago

I’ve been learning coding. What’s next? (Python Edition)

Journey of Programming At this stage you might be wondering What's Next? It's a very common and fair question. I've been learning…

4 years ago

6 Things Coding is and 6 Things It’s Not

6 Things Coding Is 6 Things Coding is and 6 Things It’s Not1. Road to Riches. I think this is…

4 years ago

Top 5 Reasons Why Programmers Absolutely Love Python

It's a beautiful language. Simply put Python is a beautiful, elegant language where you can express yourself in code in a very…

4 years ago