Exercise 17: Dict Comprehension

Python Dict Comprehension Exercises

Let’s check out some exercises that will help understand Dict Comprehension better.

Exercise 17-a

Create a dictionary from the list with same key:value pairs, such as: {"key": "key"}.

You can type your dict comprehension inside curly brackets: {}

Your key and value will be the same iterator such as: {i:i for i…}
Then you have to type the remaining part as: in iterable.

dict = {i:i for i in lst}

Exercise 17-b

First, create a range from 100 to 160 with steps of 10.

Second, using dict comprehension, create a dictionary where each number in the range is the key and each item divided by 100 is the value.

You can type your dict comprehension inside curly brackets: {}

i:i/100 should be used to create the needed key:value pairs.

rng = range(100, 160, 10)
dict = {i:i/100 for i in rng}

Exercise 17-c

Using dict comprehension and a conditional argument create a dictionary from the current dictionary where only the key:value pairs with value above 2000 are taken to the new dictionary.

You can type your dict comprehension inside curly brackets: {}

i:dict1[i] should be used to create the needed key:value pairs.

dict2 = {i:dict1[i] for i in dict1 if dict1[i]>2000}

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