
Demand for programmers is exponentially increasing and it’s at a higher level than ever.

Even if you are only reading this page it means you are at a significant advantage compared to billions of people on our planet.

Some people think today’s coding skills are like literacy skills of previous centuries. Just as so many people weren’t able to read and write in the past and the ones who used to be literate  benefited abundantly, coding skills can give you a significant competitive edge in today’s world.

You can use coding to improve the situation for yourself, your immediate family, your friends and all the humans in the world.

This page is intended to inform you about how the site can be beneficial for the users and a few points about programming and learning in general.


You can digest Holy Python in 3 main sections:

1) Theory (All the lessons with examples)
2) Practice (All the exercises followed by related lessons)
3) Real Life Tutorials (All the posts that aim to achieve a completion of a task outside the simulated world or knowledge and tools regarding real world applications.)


  1. Have fun! Otherwise learning is usually not sustainable. As a civil human learning Python in 21st century if you’re not having fun in this miracle maybe you should take a deep breath and internalize it.
  2. Manage internal stress. Learning can also be tough. That’s why taking baby steps (especially if you’re learning programming for the first time) and allowing yourself time to get a grip of things like syntax and keywords and all the new terminology and tools is important. Having fun also kills the stress, hence the first point.
  3. Manage external stress. Not everyone is equally privileged in our world but rest assured everyone has a certain degree of problems. That’s a big part of the human experience. However if your basic physiological and safety needs are not covered it will be difficult to achieve goals. (Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs) Stress and worry will destruct your focus, self-confidence and learning pleasure. If possible, try to make sure your basic needs are covered and get support from loved ones and friends and be kind to yourself.
  4. Learn to give before you get. Getting rich is not a meaningful purpose. It’s a byproduct of your services to other people. The greater your service and the bigger your impact the richer you will get. We have an explosion of efficiency today. We have free markets, we have the internet, and physical borders  are disappearing for businesses all around the world. It’s almost guaranteed you’ll earn big bucks if you can create value for fellow humans and/or businesses. But if you focus on the getting part too much, you might not do a great job on the giving part and it’ll be difficult to create something valuable and useful to other people.
  5. Finally, have a meaningful purpose or keep in mind to find one along the way. For some people it’s hard to pinpoint a well defined purpose before you master your tools. For others they’ve already defined their purpose and they seek tools accordingly. Either way, keep in mind that it’s good to have a purpose that makes you get out of your bed with joy in the mornings. Reach for greatness as you master your tools.